Our Friends Featured on WDVM News!

Awesome! Our friends at Capital Music Therapy Services, LLC were just featured on the local WDVM late evening news! Josh and his instructors are super talented, and enjoy helping people through music. Check them out in the video below, and come see them February 13th as our Spotlight guest of the Fairfax Business Meetup.

Officials suggest using music as a tool for self-care this holiday season

By: Kiona Dyches

While the holidays for most people are full of cheer, for some it is a time filled with sadness, self-reflection and anxiety.

Officials in Fairfax County remind you to take time to care for your mental health and wellness this holiday season, and they suggest using music as a tool.

At Capital Music Therapy Services instructor, Josh Schrader, helps people of all age groups get through hard times. For individuals suffering from anxiety and depression, music acts as a natural mood booster impacting the 3 key contributing factors of mental health.

"Music can influence our thoughts, music can influence our feelings and music can influence our actions. With music and my guitar I have these things that have gotten me through the hard years of adolescence, the heartbreaks, troubling and stressful years of college. It's like a reliable friend that is never going away," Schrader said.

Officials say if that doesn't kick your holiday blues, look into other options.

"Maybe you need a little more than just self-care and if you think so here's this free screening tool that we welcome you to use," said Marla Zometsky, Manager of The Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board’s Wellness, Health Promotion & Prevention Program.

The screening checks for symptoms of common mental health disorders, for more information, click here.

Via WDVM Dec 19, 2018